
Showing posts from July, 2023

NK's Post

Ordinance to restore Bhopal gas victims' property

NK SINGH Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh Government on Thursday promulgated an ordinance for the restoration of moveable property sold by some people while fleeing Bhopal in panic following the gas leakage. The ordinance covers any transaction made by a person residing within the limits of the municipal corporation of Bhopal and specifies the period of the transaction as December 3 to December 24, 1984,  Any person who sold the moveable property within the specified period for a consideration which he feels was not commensurate with the prevailing market price may apply to the competent authority to be appointed by the state Government for declaring the transaction of sale to be void.  The applicant will furnish in his application the name and address of the purchaser, details of the moveable property sold, consideration received, the date and place of sale and any other particular which may be required.  The competent authority, on receipt of such an application, will conduct...

The Tribals of Chotanagpur

  People of the Munda Tribe NK SINGH Among the five million Adivasis living in the inaccessible forests and hills of Chotanagpur with their peculiar culture, modes of living and standard of living far below the normal, some of the important tribes are Santhal, Munda, Ho, Oraon, Kharia and Bithor. Although in tribal community work is shared by men and women alike, the women have to labour much. In every sense of the word, they lead a very hard life -- earning two square meals by physical labour.  But there is one virtue in them that they smile even when they sweat. Right from the beginning, girls prove their usefulness a t home by looking after younger brothers and sisters when both father and mother go out in search of food. Education is practically absent among the Adivasis. Hence the girls have to lend a helping hand to their mothers in the kitchen or in fetching water from a distant spring or well. They spend their leisure gathering roots, tubes, leaves etc. from forests. D...

CRP on maim and kill spree in Bhagalpur jail

courtesy: Koastler Arts NK SINGH   Patna : The wanton police firing in Bhagalpur Special Jail, on May 8 last in which ten prisoners were killed and as many as 160 others injured, is a reminder of the fact that something is wrong with the jail administration in Bihar.   As a rule, the Bhagalpur Special Jail lodges only hardened criminals, mostly murderers and dacoits and undertrial prisoners facing charges of equally heinous crimes, besides Naxalites.  About 323 homoeopathic students, arrested last month in connection with their agitation for better educational facilities, were, however, sent to the same jail, as the other jails were jam-packed at the time. On May 4, the inmates launched an agitation in support of their various demands, including steps to check various malpractices, such as irregularity in the distribution of rations. According to official sources, the situation became explosive on May 5 when the agitators virtually took control of the jail administration....

भारतीय लोकतंत्र का स्वर्णिम काल

  Photo of the book launch function Power of a vote NK SINGH चुनाव लोकतंत्र का महायज्ञ है। पर आम तौर पर मिडल क्लास इस यज्ञ में आहूति नहीं डालता । वे दूर से ही तमाशा देखने में यकीन रखते हैं। मेरा भी लगभग वही हाल था। मुझे लगता था कि चुनाव से कुछ नहीं हो सकता। पर मेरी इस धारणा को 1977 के चुनावों ने पूरी तरह ध्वस्त कर दिया। पहली दफा मुझे एक वोट की ताकत का पता चला। अनपढ़, गरीब, मजलूम खेतिहर मजदूरों, किसानों, शहर में दिहाड़ी कमाने वाले श्रमिकों और झुग्गी झोपड़ी में रहने वाले समाज के हाशिये पर बैठे लोगों ने अपनी ताकत दिखाई। उन्होंने हमें यह भी दिखाया कि उनकी राजनीतिक समझ कितनी शार्प है। उन्होंने हमें एक वोट की ताकत दिखाई। 1977 के चुनाव भारतीय लोकतंत्र का स्वर्णिम काल था।  सत्तारूढ़ दल चुनाव में सरकारी मशीनरी का दुरुपयोग करने के लिए बदनाम हैं।  कोई भी पार्टी सिंहासन पर बैठे, चुनाव के वक्त उसके नेताओं का जी ललचाता ही है। इसलिए संविधान ने इलेक्शन कमिशन का प्रावधान किया है, ताकि लोकतंत्र का यह महायज्ञ निष्पक्ष ढंग से सम्पन्न हो सके। पर हम इसे आम तौर पर एक टूथलेस हौवा मानते थे। लोग समझते...

2 CPM factions head for show-down in Bihar

 NK SINGH  Patna , May 11, 1972 Acute differences, ideological as well as organisational, in the Bihar State CPM seem to have reached a point of no return.  The two rival factions within and the party are heading for a virtual showdown on May 20 next when they propose to hold a round-table meeting in Calcutta at the instance of their national leadership.  Besides the five members of the State Secretariat, who form the core of the official group in Bihar, the CPM polit-bureau has summoned G.S. Vidyarthi, U.S. Shukla Taqui Rahim and Chandi Prasad, the representatives of the rebel faction.  From the national leadership's side, besides Promode Das Gupta, who is the in-charge of Bihar affairs in the party, P. Sundaraiah and B.T. Randive are too expected to attend that important meeting, which will have far-reaching consequences on the State as well as the national politics of the Marxist Communist Party. It an open secret that the Bihar State CPM is divided Into two ...

Anand Marg

A meeting organised by Anand Marg NK SINGH   In the graveyard of secret societies there stands a beautiful tombstone, perhaps an imported one, with the following inscription: Anand Marg-birth 1955; death 1971. The CBI inquiry into Anand Marg affairs, resulting in many shocking revelations, and the consequential desertion by a number of Marg followers including some top ranking officials, has virtually liquidated this so-called 'socio-spiritual and religious' organisation. which was founded by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, a former employee of the Jamalpur Railway workshop on January 9, 1955. At that time, nobody could imagine that in less than 15 years the organisation, founded in a small quarter of Jamalpur railway colony (Bihar), would grow to such dimensions and invite such controversy. P. R. Sarkar, alias Anand Murti, who is described as 'the great Preceptor, the Harbinger of A New Civilization and the Loving Guru' by his faithful followers, was born on April 13, 1921, in ...

संविधान पर हमला: तब और अब

Threats to Indian Constitution  NK SINGH   हम स्कूल की किताबों में फ्रांस की क्रांति के बारे में पढ़ते थे। शायद अभी पढ़ाया जाता होगा ---- अगर टेक्स्ट बुक में जो ‘सुधार’ हो रहे हैं, उनकी चपेट में फ्रेंच रेवेल्यूशन भी न आया हो तो। फ्रांस की क्रांति में एक नारा गूंजा था --- स्वतंत्रता , समता और बंधुत्व। दुनिया के सारे लोकतान्त्रिक देशों के संविधान पर हम नजर डालें तो सबकी मूल आत्मा इन्ही तीन क्रांतिकारी मूल्यों के आस-पास घूमती नजर आती है। भारत का संविधान भी इन्ही शाश्वत मूल्यों पर आधारित है। पिछले 75 सालों में इस संविधान में 100 से ज्यादा संशोधन हो चुके हैं। पर, इसके बावजूद, वे शाश्वत मूल्य अभी भी संविधान की आत्मा हैं। उसके नीति निर्देशक सिद्धांतों में इन्ही तीन मूल्यों को विस्तार से बताया गया है। संविधान को लेकर अभी देश में जोरों से बहस चल रही है, खासकर उनके पालन के बारे में। वास्तव में सारी दिक्कत संविधान को व्यवहार में उतारने को लेकर है। पिछले 75 साल के इतिहास पर नजर डालें तो नजर आता है कि संविधान की अवहेलना वही लोग ज्यादा करते हैं , जिनपर उसके पालन की जिम्मेदारी ह...