
Showing posts from June, 2023

NK's Post

Ordinance to restore Bhopal gas victims' property

NK SINGH Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh Government on Thursday promulgated an ordinance for the restoration of moveable property sold by some people while fleeing Bhopal in panic following the gas leakage. The ordinance covers any transaction made by a person residing within the limits of the municipal corporation of Bhopal and specifies the period of the transaction as December 3 to December 24, 1984,  Any person who sold the moveable property within the specified period for a consideration which he feels was not commensurate with the prevailing market price may apply to the competent authority to be appointed by the state Government for declaring the transaction of sale to be void.  The applicant will furnish in his application the name and address of the purchaser, details of the moveable property sold, consideration received, the date and place of sale and any other particular which may be required.  The competent authority, on receipt of such an application, will conduct...

What Ails Patratu Power Project

  NK SINGH For the last one and a half months, Bihar is in the grip of a severe power crisis. The power station at Patratu, which caters to the needs of the Chotanagpur industrial belt, and the one at Barauni, which serves the equally important region of north Bihar where a green revolution is in full swing, are generating only 110 MW of power between them. The Patratu power station, with an installed capacity of 400 MW, is generating only 44 MW and the Barauni plant is generating 66 MW out of its capacity of 145 MW.  The Bihar State Electricity Board has, since its inception, lost about  Rs 40 crores, even though electricity tariffs in Bihar are among the highest in the country. While the BSEB gets electricity from the Damodar Valley Corporation at 2 paise per unit, it supplies power to its consumers at 35 paise per unit!  Repeated allegations have been made in the state legislature and outside that the Board is bristling with both inefficient and corrupt officers. ...

Famine relief: 50 paise per head!

  NK SINGH "The relations of landlords and tenants are those of a high-handed proprietory body on the one hand, habitually disregarding the law, and on the other a tenantry, ignorant, very helpless, and sunk in the very most abject poverty.,,,.  Though the rent law gave the ryot certain rights, he was so helpless or so ignorant that he was unable to assert these rights out of court, or to go into court to enforce them." So wrote the Famine Commission in 1880, in a report where they ascribed the miseries of the people in Bihar to the nature of the agrarian system.  This year, the one-lakh-strong Paharia community - tribe living in the forest hills of Santhal Parganas in south Bihar are starving. Even a hurried tour of the affected areas is enough to strike home the sharp miseries that have resulted from the failure of two successive crops. In normal times, too, the Paharias suffer from chronic malnutrition. But this year, the situation is alarming, particularly in eight bl...

Education : Spurious Medical Colleges in Bihar

NK SINGH Opening of private medical colleges should be made a penal offence, according to a recommendation made by the Medical Education Committee which was appointed by The Bihar Government to enquire into the maladies and to suggest ways to improve the standard of medical education.  The Committee, which seems to have taken pains to go into the depth of the problem, comments in its recently submitted report: "The organisers of none of the private medical colleges in the State seem to have made any donation. It is, therefore, clear that there is no element of philanthropy in these enterprises and the organisers have not been motivated by a missionary spirit, On the other hand, whatever may have been their intentions, they seem to have created the impression that the craze for medical education is being exploited under the clock of missionary spirit". The Committee has suggested the promulgation of an ordinance immediately to check the mushroom growth of private medical colle...

Bihar CPM : Split within a Split

Flag of Communist Party of India (Marxist) NK SINGH Maybe as has been alleged in the letters column of this journal by overpublicizing the poll rigging story, Frontier is trying to console the frustrated, bewildered and disillusioned cadres of the CPM and thus helping the consolidation of its shattered house. However, the thing has failed to click in Bihar where the two rival factions within the party seem to be heading for an imminent showdown. Perhaps with this point of view, the CPM Politbureau has called a meeting of the Bihar State Party in Calcutta for May 20.  Besides the five-man State Secretariat, which forms the core of the 'official' group, the other leaders summoned are Messrs G. S. Vidyarthi, U. S. Shukla, Taqui Rahim and Chandi Prasad. Obviously, all these gentlemen belong to the 'rebel' group. The meeting will be supervised by three of the PB members: Messrs P. Sundarayya, B. T. Ranadive and Promode Das Gupta.  The differences between the two factions are...

Delhi University : Storm in a Tea Cup

  Delhi university is one of the most prestigious universities in the country NK SINGH The present agitation of Delhi University teachers against the DU (Amendment) Bill, 1972, which, incidentally, had already been promulgated through a Presidential June 22 Ordinance on is a typical example of the petty bourgeosie intelligentsia fighting for its pay-packets while trying to conceal the fact in high sounding jargon such as "struggle against elitism, academic deterioration, commercialisation, and a substandardisation of education. at the undergraduate level". The real issue, viz, the denial of democratic rights, has been left out in the lurch, or at least given secondary position. Raising it would involve a confrontation with the Establishment, for which only a few and still fewer among the gurus are prepared. Such a short-natured struggle is bound to meet its doom. There are reports already of a split among the leadership of the Delhi University Teachers' Association, and i...

Firozabd : Anatomy of a Riot

  Firozabad Riots NK SINGH SUNEET CHOPRA  According to reports, specific allegations have been registered about police excesses in Firozabad riots and the Criminal Investigation Department has been asked to investigate these. This step was taken after UP's Inspector General of Police had made an on-the-spot official inquiry. Leaders of most political parties who visited Firozabad, including Congress's Subhadra Joshi, are said to have corroborated this viewpoint and blamed the Provincial Armed Canstabulary and the state police for having fanned the riots.  Yet, to understand what happened in Firozabad, one has to understand life it is normally led in such small towns in Uttar Pradesh.  Most such towns subsist on some declining crafts and often make only an uneasy switchover to some other sluggish industry, Firozabad itself has a population of 1,33,534 according to the 1971 Census of these 40 per cent are Muslims and the rest Hindus.  The town is famous for its ba...

A Tale Of Two Cities

  Delhi anti-Hindu riots, image via Twitter NK SINGH New Delhi's initiative in ordering an official inquiry into the recent riots in two of the U.P. towns, Firozabad and Varanasi, is not going to solve the crux of the problem, i.e., the fear complex which haunts the minds of the minority community. Nothing short of a judicial inquiry or an all-party parliamentary inquiry will restore the people's faith in the secular credentials of Mrs Gandhi's Government. So far the so-called 'law and order' wing of the Government is concerned, one or two suspensions and making a few petty policemen scapegoats would not do; the entire department needs a reorientation. But the primary task before the ruling party is to purge its organisational structure of the hidden and not so hidden communal elements.  The irresponsible statements of the U.P. Chief Minister, who was all praise for the police, and the behaviour of some of the local Congress leaders have destroyed the faith of the p...

Congress and Hindu and Muslim Unity

  Mohammed Ali Jinnah and others at the time of the lucknow pact. NK SINGH  I Article V (C) of the congress constitution, passed in 1938, states: "No person who is a member of any elected Congress Committee can be a member of a communal organisation, the object or programme of which in the opinion of the working committee are anti-national and in conflict with those of Congress". As early as 1888, the All India Congress Committee had resolved at its fourth session held at Allahabad that "no subject shall be passed for the introduction of which the Hindu or Muhammadan delegates, as a body object...and that if, after the discussion of any subject which has been admitted for discussion, it shall appear that all the Hindu or all the Muhammadan delegates...are opposed to the Resolution which it is proposed to pass thereon, such Resolution shall be dropped." If one goes through the various declarations and resolutions passed by the Congress right from 1884...