Hindutva: Back on the agenda
we say this is the Hindu nation, there are some who immediately come up with
the question, 'What about the Muslims and Christians dwelling in this land?'...
But the crucial question is whether they remember that they are the children of
this soil. No! Together with the change in their faith, gone is the spirit
of love and devotion for the nation. They have also developed a feeling of
identification with the enemies of this land. They look to some foreign lands
as their holy places. It is not merely a case of change of faith, but a change
even in national identity."
-Guru Golwalkar, former RSS chief, in his treatise, Bunch of Thoughts.
Is Maharashtra
Chief Minister Manohar Joshi's grand dream of ruling India's first "Hindu
state" any different from the Hindu nation of the RSS, in which the
minorities are identified with the "enemies of the nation"? Does
Joshi disagree with Shiv Sena boss Bal Thackeray, who promised during an
election campaign that with the Shiv Sena in power everybody will have to take diksha (initiation) into the Hindu
The Supreme Court apparently thinks so. In a landmark judgement last fortnight,
it absolved Joshi of the charge of garnering votes in the name of Hindutva by
ruling that his promise to establish the first "Hindu state" did not
amount to appealing for votes in the name of religion. It also said that
Hindutva and Hinduism are a way of life and not confined to religion, and
therefore, its use in a speech did not amount to corrupt electoral practices.
It is a point of view that the Sangh brotherhood has been trying to promote for
decades, equating nationalism with Hinduism. Said BJP Chief L.K. Advani:
"The Court has lent its seal of judicial imprimatur to our ideology of
The judgement has opened a Pandora's box. Coming as it does barely a few months
before the Lok Sabha election, the verdict from the apex Court can amount to a
virtual licence to fundamentalist forces to conduct a shrill and communal
election campaign. Never mind that the same Court has severely castigated
Thackeray for making inflammatory speeches.
Never mind too that two days later
the same Court found a prima facie case of corrupt practice against Rajasthan
Chief Minister Bhairon Singh Shekhawat for mixing religion with politics.
crux of the matter is that now any group of fanatics can mix religion with
politics and carry on vicious, communal propaganda during election campaigns,
even as the direct beneficiaries of such a campaign, the candidates riding the
communal wave, can plead ignorance on the ground that the meetings organised to
canvass support for them were held without their consent.
The Sangh brotherhood could not have asked for a better judgement. Said RSS
chief Rajendra Singh: "We have always been of the view that the term Hindu
connotes much more than a mere form of worship. "The RSS' mouthpiece,
Organiser, declared triumphantly: "No more will the champions of Hindutva
be required to sound apologetic."
The BJP can now afford to be more brazen. Advani sees in the verdict a licence
for a Hindutva campaign: "If any party or candidate talks about religion,
temples, Hindutva, Hinduism, etc., it cannot be seen as violating the electoral
Said VHP chairperson V.H. Dalmia: "The legal hindrance in
propagating Hindutva is over now." And Thackeray, notwithstanding the
Court's strictures against him, believes the judgement is a clear message that
Hindutva can now be openly propagated.
Senior leaders from the Sangh brotherhood who did not wish to be identified
revealed that the BJP and its allies will now focus their campaign on the following
- Total ban on cow
slaughter: The Bajrang Dal is planning to launch a massive, aggressive
movement from January 14 to forcibly stop cow and bull slaughter in the
- Uniform civil code: Under
the Constitution, the states cannot introduce a common civil code. But the
BJP/Shiv Sena governments will try to make political capital by pushing
bills on the subject.
- Muslim population: During
the past 40 years, the percentage of Muslims in the total population has
risen from 9.93 to 11.67. The Sangh brotherhood will play on the anxiety
that Hindus may eventually be reduced to a minority.
- The temple trio: The BJP
will not take up the Kashi, Mathura and Ayodhya issues directly. But the
VHP will. The only problem is that the Sangh brotherhood is not sure
whether the strategy will work this time.
- The appeasement of
minorities: Issues like the Government's reported decision to subsidies
imams' salaries and pensions by increasing grants to Wakf boards, which
will increase the burden on the exchequer by Rs.243 crore this year and
another Rs.405 crore over the next three years.
- Infiltration of foreign
nationals: Between 1981 and 1991, the Muslim population has increased by
nearly 40 percent in the border states of Rajasthan, Tripura, Meghalaya,
West Bengal, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.
- Demand for scrapping the
minority commissions: The BJP-Shiv Sena feels this is another example of
appeasing the minorities.
The BJP will take
up Hindutva as a campaign slogan because the party knows that it pays. Advani's
Rath Yatra to Ayodhya virtually changed the country's political map five years
But faced with the Congress(I)'s soft response to Hindutva and the hard
line secularism of the Left and the Janata Dal (JD), the BJP walked away with
an unprecedented 120 Lok Sabha seats in 1991 from merely two seats in 1984.
Religion sells. Advani affirms this: "The BJP's principal success has been
in making ideology relevant to electoral verdicts."
The judgement has obviously gladdened the hearts of the Hindutva forces. But
except for the National Front-Left Front (NF-LF) combine, all the other major
political parties on the opposite side of the Hindutva fence seem to have
adopted an ostrich-like attitude to the Supreme Court's pronouncements last
The ruling
Congress(I) has so far made no official comment on the judgement. Says
Congress(I) spokesperson V.N. Gadgil: "We are studying the judgement and
will react only after fully reading it." Even the rival Congress faction
led by N.D. Tiwari and Arjun Singh is yet to take a stand on the issue.
"We will react to the lengthy judgement after reading it thoroughly,"
says Singh.
But the NF-LF p
arties appear to have been shocked by the judgement. The communists came out on
the streets of New Delhi in protest last fort night. "This judgement,
unless challenged, will be used by those who are trying to divide society to
garner votes on the basis of religion," says CPI MP Gurudas Dasgupta.
NFLF are now considering going in for a review petition, and are also exploring
the possibility of getting the matter dealt with by a larger Constitution
bench. Said JD spokesperson Jaipal Reddy: "If it helps clear the
confusion, we are in favour of going in for a constitutional amendment."
(M) politburo member Prakash Karat supported Reddy's idea. The NFLF parties
also plan to raise a public debate on the issue and exert pressure on the
Government to initiate moves to suitably amend the Constitution.
Perhaps the most forthright reaction to the Supreme Court's judgement came from
former Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar. He not only termed the definition
provided by the Supreme Court as "unnecessary", but called it very
harmful for the nation. "If the definition that they have given upholds
the Hindutva being espoused by the VHP then I think the consequences for this
country are very dangerous indeed," he said.
The non-BJP parties have only one way out: to revive the 1994 Constitution
(82nd Amendment) Bill and the Representation of Peoples Act (Amendment) Bill,
which sought to delink religion from politics.
The reforms package, which was
withdrawn by the Government, made provisions for the re-registration of a
political party if its memorandum of rules and regulations did not conform to
the oath of secularism and if it promoted or attempted to promote itself,
"on grounds of religion, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill
will between different religious groups".
-with Smruti Koppikar and Javed M. Ansari
India Today 15 Januuary 1996
INDIA TODAY 15 Jan 1996 |
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