
Showing posts from March, 2018

NK's Post

Ordinance to restore Bhopal gas victims' property

NK SINGH Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh Government on Thursday promulgated an ordinance for the restoration of moveable property sold by some people while fleeing Bhopal in panic following the gas leakage. The ordinance covers any transaction made by a person residing within the limits of the municipal corporation of Bhopal and specifies the period of the transaction as December 3 to December 24, 1984,  Any person who sold the moveable property within the specified period for a consideration which he feels was not commensurate with the prevailing market price may apply to the competent authority to be appointed by the state Government for declaring the transaction of sale to be void.  The applicant will furnish in his application the name and address of the purchaser, details of the moveable property sold, consideration received, the date and place of sale and any other particular which may be required.  The competent authority, on receipt of such an application, will conduct...

Man who could never become king

A tribute to Arjun Singh 1930-2011 NK SINGH   History is full of ironies. Veteran Congress politician Arjun Singh, the quintessential loyalist, died a few hours after he was dropped from the Congress working committee.  The scion of Churhat, a small feudal estate in MP, had joined the Congress in 1960 after a brief tryst with socialist politics. Even when he had left the party to join the breakaway Tiwari Congress  during PV Narasimha Rao’s prime ministership, he had kept his links with the Gandhi family alive. “Consistency may be the virtue of a donkey,” he once said, “but no one can (say) that I have ever been inconsistent.” His faith in old-fashioned socialist politics and secular values was unwavering.  As chief minister of MP, he changed the fate of lakhs of slum dwellers in the mid-80s by giving them ownership rights to the land they had encroached upon. He was a champion of the cause of the minorities and backward castes (no coinci...

MP Govt will kill Bhopal Lake by regularising illegal colonies in catchment zone

NK SINGH MP Government has just passed the death sentence on Bhopal's Upper Lake. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has instructed officers to regularise all illegal colonies in the State. There are about 350 illegal colonies in Bhopal alone, quite a few in the Upper Lake's catchment area. Do we care? Do the vote-hungry politicians care?  I have my full sympathy with the bureaucracy which wants to work according to rules and environmental law.  The latest farmaan from mai-baap sarkar reminds me of the period eight years ago, when Bhopal fought tooth and nail to protect its environment.  I was editing HT's Bhopal edition then, and we had reported: Scrapping of Bhopal master plan NK SINGH The proposed development plan for the city of Bhopal has been finally shown its rightful place --- the dustbin. Bowing before powerful public opinion, the Madhya Pradesh Government has decided to scrap the plan for all practical purposes. B hopal developmen...

Saving the Upper Lake

NK SINGH Babulal Gaur has emerged as a passionate saviour of his beloved Bhopal’s Upper Lake. The Urban Administration and Development Minister has declared in unambiguous terms that he was against any kind of construction on the periphery of the Lake. The draft Development Plan for Bhopal, released recently, has proposed constructions in several areas around the Lake. Under the plan green belt and no-construction zones have been replaced not only by low-density habitation but also full-fledged residential areas and commercial zones. Gaur is among the few ministers who feel the pulse of Bhopal. He has also threatened to roll on his famous bulldozer to remove all encroachments around the Lake. Apparently, he could sense the indignation of the citizens, whom he had invited earlier this week to discuss the status of the lakes in the city. It was not only the citizens who were alarmed about constructions around the lakes. Even the official presentation made by ...

Why Congress is BJP’s best friend in MP

NK SINGH Finally, the BJP regime’s radical endeavour curtailing MLAs’ rights to ask questions and move no-confidence motion against government in MP vidhan sabha could last less than a week. The speaker of state assembly has practically rescinded the amended rules that had become effective only on March 15. The amendment banned legislators from raising enquiries about communal riots, sensitive incidents, confidential matters and any question that might encourage secessionism. It also curtailed effectively their right to move no confidence motion against government. The opposition had described the amendments to rules of assembly procedure as an abortive “attempt to stifle democracy”. Speaker Sitasharan Sharma announced this week that he was sending back the controversial amendments for reconsideration to assembly’s rules and ethics committee. Interestingly, Sharma himself heads the committee that had earlier recommended curtailment in legislators’ rights. The vidhan ...

Anderson was given VVIP send-off on a state plane

NK SINGH BHOPAL: Four days after the gas leak , an army of Indian and foreign media persons waited for Union Carbide Corporation chairman Warren Anderson outside the company’s guest house for nearly eight hours only to learn later that there any had come and gone. Anderson had flown to Bhopal from Bombay by an Indian Airlines flight to avoid public attention that a   company jet would have attracted. H e was accompanied by UCIL chairmanKeshub Mahindra and managing director V.P. Gokhale.   B hopal’s District Magistrate MotiSingh , SP Swaraj Puri and a posse of policemen met them on the tarmac beside an official Ambassador   car waiting for the Carbide bosses. Followed by Singh and Puri in another car, Anderson and his colleagues were taken to the Carbide guest house. An officer, who was part of the operation, said the team spent anxious moments at the back-gate as the lock refused to open. So, several policemen lifted the entire six-foot-high ga...

Will Arjun Singh’s autobiography reveal it all?

NK SINGH Veteran Congress leader Arjun Singh’s much-awaited bare-it-all autobiography, scheduled to be released sometime in March, may now get delayed a bit due to his death.             The 500-page book had evoked a keen curiosity in political circles when Singh, a key player of Indian political scene for 50 years, had announced last year that it will reveal many new facts about several momentous events.             With characteristic modesty Singh, who was known to be a voracious reader, had titled his autobiography “A Grain of Sand in the Ocean of Time’. (Later, when the book came out after his death, it was called "A Grain of Sand in the Hourglass of Time".)             It is being published by Hay House India, the same publication house that recently came out with autobiographies of eminent...

I didn’t let Anderson go : Arjun Singh

Congress leader breaks silence on Bhopal gas tragedy, points finger at Delhi HT EXCLUSIVE BY NK SINGH BHOPAL: Breaking his silence the first time on the roiling controversy of  former Union Carbide chief Warren Anderson’s release from Bhopal,  Arjun Sin g h  said he had “no locus standi on the matter. He spoke exclusively to  Hindustan  Times  on  the phone . When asked if he wanted to clear the controversy, Singh told HT, “I have no locus standi on this issue,” virtually lobbing the controversial ball back into then-central government’s court.  The Congress has reacted sharply to  then-foreign secretary M.K. Rasgotra’s comment that the Rajiv Gandhi government had promised “safe passage”   to Anderson. The 79-year old veteran Congressman refused to elaborate further.  H e however indicated his autobiography , which is in the works, will have details “Naturally,” is all he said when asked whether the Bhopa...

समोसा में आलू, बिहार में लालू

Reasons of Laloo's popularity in Bihar NK SINGH हाल के बिहार के उपचुनावों में लालू यादव का राष्ट्रीय जनता दल न केवल नितीश कुमार पर बल्कि भाजपा पर भी भारी पड़ा. और लालू यादव जेल में बंद हैं! क्या है लालू यादव की  सफलता का राज?  My article in Tehelka of 31 March 2018 Tweets @nksexpress

नियोगी हत्याकांड का आरोपी उद्योगपति फरार

Niyogi murder accused absconds from police custody NK SINGH भिलाई में उग्र मजदूर नेता शंकर गुहा नियोगी की भाड़े के गुंडों के हाथों हत्या हुए सात महीने हो गए मगर यह मामला अभी दबा नहीं। नियोगी के सफाए के लिए षड्यंत्र का ‘ सूत्रधार ‘ माने जाने वाला उद्योगपति चंद्रकांत शाह रायपुर पुलिस की हिरासत से संदेहास्पद स्थितियों में लापता हो गया है।   दो महीने गायब रहने और कई अदालतों से जमानत की अर्जी खारिज हो जाने के बाद इस उद्योगपति को पिछले दिसंबर में पकड़ा गया था। जेलरों को लगा कि उसे इलाज की सख्त जरूरत है। सो , शाह को मार्च में रायपुर अस्पताल में दाखिल किया गया।   वह बहुत कुछ चार्ल्स शोभराज की तरह जेल और अस्पताल दोनों ही जगह ठाट - बाट से जिंदगी काट रहा था। उसके लिए घर से भोजन आता था और रंगीन टीवी , फ्रिज , कूलर और कुकिंग रेंज सब कुछ उसे उपलब्ध था।  यही नहीं उसे हथकड़ी भी नहीं पहनाई गई . बताया जाता है क...