
Showing posts from July, 2017

NK's Post

Ordinance to restore Bhopal gas victims' property

NK SINGH Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh Government on Thursday promulgated an ordinance for the restoration of moveable property sold by some people while fleeing Bhopal in panic following the gas leakage. The ordinance covers any transaction made by a person residing within the limits of the municipal corporation of Bhopal and specifies the period of the transaction as December 3 to December 24, 1984,  Any person who sold the moveable property within the specified period for a consideration which he feels was not commensurate with the prevailing market price may apply to the competent authority to be appointed by the state Government for declaring the transaction of sale to be void.  The applicant will furnish in his application the name and address of the purchaser, details of the moveable property sold, consideration received, the date and place of sale and any other particular which may be required.  The competent authority, on receipt of such an application, will conduct...

Shivraj Singh Ko Gussa Kyon Aata Hai

DB POST 30 July 2017 Why MP CM wants to hang Collectors “upside down”? NK SINGH Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is, normally, polite to the core. Social grace, or small talk, may not be his strong point. But friends and foe agree, alike, that he is courteous. “I try not to hurt even a worm, I sidestep it,” he said in MP assembly earlier this week, describing his own personality. Hence he took everyone by surprise last week when he publicly threatened to “hang upside down” District Collectors if they failed to clear pending land dispute cases. Warning the officers of strict action on pending patta (land ownership right) and demarcation cases, he said: “If they don’t resolve the issue within a month, I would make sure that they are removed.”  Collectori karne ke layak nahi chhodunga, was the colourful phrase used in colloquial Hindi. Chouhan is being hauled over coal for his comments, and rightly so. The Opposition Congress leader criticised him fo...

Rajinikanth meets his match, finally, in Indore Collector's office

An MP cadre IAS officer is "Leader of Planet and Conqueror of Earth" NK SINGH A little known NGO from Indore has come out with a documentary film on the life and time of P. Narhari, a former Collector of Indore. The mesmerised filmmaker is convinced that the IAS officer of 2001 batch was the best thing to have happened to the city after the first steam locomotive arrived in 1893. The 15 minutes biopic starts with eulogising the 42-year-old officer as Leader of Planet, Conqueror of Earth and Creator of New Faith. It is the first ever documentary made on the achievements of a bureaucrat, at least in MP. The film was shot with active participation of the IAS officer and his family members, who posed for the movie, with the sahib straddling his domain like a king. The film leaves no one in any doubt about the protagonist’s greatness. Narhari, it claims, has changed thousands of lives, coming to help of people who have been disappointed everywhere else. He has left ex...


The ruling party is fond of trappings of power NK SINGH Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan visited Bhopal last week to attend a party programme and a felicitation organised by the local Malayali community. MP does not have direct connectivity with Kerala. The trains passing through Bhopal take 40 hours to reach Trivandrum.The Kerala CM took a commercial flight, spending enroute a night in Mumbai.  The 71-year-old communist leader had to get up at 3 am to board the flight to Bhopal. He spent the day attending programmes and then quietly caught the night flight to New Delhi.He did not want to waste public funds on a chartered plane. Another CPM chief minister, Manik Sarkar of Tripura, has become a legend in his lifetime due to his simple lifestyle. Chief Minister of Tripura for past 19 years, Sarkar donates his entire salary to the organisation and gets in return a monthly ‘subsistence allowance’ of Rs 5,000. He does not own a house or a car. His bank balance is ...

MP CM is 'Helicopter Wale Mama Ji.'

Those magnificent CMs in their flying machines NK SINGH Madhya Pradesh Government recently decided to hire a jet plane for a year at the rate of Rs 2.20 lakh per hour. According to a report in DB Post the Government has guaranteed a minimum use of 30 hours per month. It means the Government will have to pay Rs 66 lakh every month even if it uses the aircraft only for an hour. MP Government Rule for Hiring of Planes/ Helicopters 1999 says that the Government can hire private planes only in cases of exigencies. The rules are clear ---- if the state aircraft is out of order, or it cannot land in a particular area, or it is not available for the next 6 hours, or there is an emergency like natural calamity. The Government at present owns a fleet of one aeroplane and three helicopters, purchased at a  cost of Rs 152 crore, at current prices. One of the choppers has been put on sale. One nine-seater plane and two helicopters, which can carry six and four passengers respectiv...

झोलावालों को गुस्सा क्यों आता है?

नरेन्द्र कुमार सिंह  जिस पाठशाला में मैंने ककहरा सीखा वहाँ खपरैल की छप्पर थी और माटी का फर्श था। वह प्राइमरी स्कूल गांव की इकलौती मुख्य सड़क पर ही था। रेलवे स्टेशन को जाती धूल भरी यह कच्ची सड़क, जिसके आसपास सरसों के पीले खेत,  अमराई, और सौंफ के महमह करते पौधे हुआ करते, हमारे गांव की जीवन रेखा ही थी। पास ही सांप की तरह बल खाती एक झील थी जहाँ कमल के फूल उगते थे और हिमालय पार से आने वाले अनगिनत अजाने पक्षी किलोल करते। लेकिन इतना समृद्ध और खूबसूरत पड़ोस भी हमारे स्कूल की गरीबी को ढांक नही पाता था। स्कूल की कुल जमा सम्पत्ति एक जोड़ा टुटही मेज कुर्सी ही थी। हम छात्रों से उम्मीद की जाती थी कि घर से बोरा या चटाई ले आएं ताकि उस पर आल्थीपाल्थी मार कर पढ़ाई की जा सके। ज़्यादातर बच्चे जूट की बोरियां लाते जो उनके स्कूल बैग का काम भी कर देती थीं। सुबह की प्रार्थना के वक़्त छात्रों को ही पूरे स्कूल में झाड़ू लगानी पड़ती थी। शनिवार को ख़ास सफ़ाई होती थी। बच्चा गाय का गोबर बटोर कर लाते थे जिससे हम स्कूल के फर्श पर लिपाई किया करते थे। अगले एक सप्ताह के लिए धूल-मिट्टी से छुट्टी। वह...


Misguided NGOs inculcate contempt for manual labour in children NK SINGH The primary school where I learnt my first alphabet had a tiled roof and mud flooring. The small building sat right on a dirt road, the main artery of the village, that winded its way to railway station around yellow mustard fields, mango orchards, aromatic fields of aniseed and a serpentine lake where lotus flowers bloomed and exotic migratory birds feasted.  The beauty of its surroundings could not hide the poverty of the school, whose only property consisted of a couple of broken chairs and desks for teachers; pupils were expected to bring their own mats on which they could sit cross-legged and study. Often they would bring a gunny sack from home that would also, sometime, double as a school bag. Every morning, before the prayer assembly, the young scholars were expected to sweep the school premises. On Saturdays they were supposed to collect cow dung, make a paste and then spread a t...

MP Police Needs More Officers in Field

PHQ Needs Less Officers NK SINGH The year was 1985. Great Britain was reeling under general strikes, mammoth rallies and street protests. United Kingdom seemed to be tottering towards its end. London seemed to be definitely one of the most chaotic places on the earth. I happened to land there during that turbulent period at the invitation of  BBC Television  to write the commentary of a documentary on Bhopal gas disaster that they were producing. It was my first ever trip abroad and within a week I had the misfortune of getting robbed in the Shepherd’s Bush area that also housed the studio where I was working. I lost practically everything. Gone was all the money advanced to me by the  BBC , my travel documents, including my passport. I was in total despair and almost in tears. Where was the nearest police station? I did not know. The Argos store where I was robbed did little to help. Given my experience in India, approaching the police and making roun...


Vyapam scam takes an unexpected turn. But will it benefit BJP, politically? NK SINGH This was probably the best anniversary gift that Sadhna Singh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan's wife, could have wished for. Even as the couple was preparing to celebrate silver jubilee of their wedding anniversary at Ujjain’s Mahakal temple this week they received news that increased their joy. The CBI said in an affidavit to the Supreme Court that it did not find any evidence of tempering of the computer hard disk seized in Vyapam scam. Congress leader Digvijay Sigh had filed a petition in Supreme Court alleging that MP police had tempered with the hard disk “to save some influential persons”. The CBI affidavit, based on a report of Central Forensic Science Laboratory, finally clears the couple, whom the Opposition has tried to implicate in the most notorious scandal in the history of Madhya Pradesh. Sadhna Singh has been a favourite punching bag for the Opposition ever since Chouh...


Something is rotten in the State of MP NK SINGH Prime Minister Narendra Modi, talking about black money at a public rally in Ghazipur earlier this week, made specific mention of corruption in Madhya Pradesh. In a pointed reference to disgraced IAS couple Arvind Joshi and Tinoo Joshi, both of whom were arrested and dismissed on corruption charges, Modi commented in his typical colloquial style: “When income tax people went to some sarkari babu’s house in MP, they found three crore rupees under his bed. Whose money is this? Does not this money belong to the poor?”   The notorious case of the MP cadre IAS couple has forever been etched in public mind as an example of corruption permeating sections of bureaucracy. So much so that the Prime Minister, when he wanted to give an illustration of massive corruption, readily recalled the case of the ‘Madhya Pradesh babu who slept on a pile of banknotes’. The income tax department had raided Joshis’official residence at Bhopal in ...

Millionaire peons and billionaire babus in the land of milk and honey

CORRUPTION IN THE TIME OF ZERO TOLERANCE NK SINGH Corruption  is a  way of life, a  mundane  subject .  Stories of corruption bore p eople, u nless it is  juicy  enough .   Our ears perk up if  people complain that their  toilet s   have been “ stolen ” .  We are intrigued by reports of  women giving birth thrice in a year,  at least in official records,  to  claim maternity benefits.  We get aroused when tax  sleuths  find  a n IAS  offic er sleeping on a pile of notes . Fortunately, or unfortunately, MP  gazab hai .  The wonderful State abounds in stories that merit a chuckle. Even the  P rime  M inister of the country has  his favourite  repertoire  about prosperity of  public servants  here .  Talking about black money last year, he recalled the notorious case of  disgraced IAS couple Arvind Joshi and Tinoo Jo...