
Showing posts from January, 2019

NK's Post

Ordinance to restore Bhopal gas victims' property

NK SINGH Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh Government on Thursday promulgated an ordinance for the restoration of moveable property sold by some people while fleeing Bhopal in panic following the gas leakage. The ordinance covers any transaction made by a person residing within the limits of the municipal corporation of Bhopal and specifies the period of the transaction as December 3 to December 24, 1984,  Any person who sold the moveable property within the specified period for a consideration which he feels was not commensurate with the prevailing market price may apply to the competent authority to be appointed by the state Government for declaring the transaction of sale to be void.  The applicant will furnish in his application the name and address of the purchaser, details of the moveable property sold, consideration received, the date and place of sale and any other particular which may be required.  The competent authority, on receipt of such an application, will conduct...

In Madhya Pradesh, bureaucrats are forever

NK SINGH The decision to appoint Sudhi Ranjan Mohanty as the new chief secretary of MP, was taken soon after the Congress returned to power in MP. However, the new government refrained from posting him as Officer On Special Duty, waiting in the wings to take over as CS, as has become customary in recent years.  Mohanty was himself averse to the idea of moving into the hot seat early. Hence official orders were issued at the last hour even as many kept guessing.  But some people did not want to keep guessing. The moment Mohanty's name started making rounds as a probable candidate for the top post, they tried to sabotage his chances.  Soon after the change in the government, Congress president Rahul Gandhi's office started getting petitions to stop Mohanty's appointment as chief secretary, according to a source in AICC.  But those petitions failed to stop Mohanty's resurrection. Apparently, the new Government wanted to make amends for the BJP Government'...